1. Benutzeroberfläche

1.1. Leinwand

screenshot of the whole graphical user interface

1.3. Projekt-Funktionen

screenshot with the project functions highlighted

1.4. Abbildungsexport und Drucken

screenshot with the printing and image export button highlighted
screenshot with the image-export dialog highlighted

1.5. Abbildungseinstellungen

screenshot with the plot settings button highlighted
screenshot with the plot settings dialog highlighted

1.6. Berechnungen

screenshot highlighting the buttons that execute stereonet operations

1.7. Ebenen

1.7.1. Ebenen Verwalten

screenshot highlighting the buttons for layer operations

1.7.2. Ebenen-Übersicht

screenshot highlighting the layer view

1.8. Ebenen-Einstellungen

screenshot highlighting the layer settings dialog
screenshot highlighting the color-chooser dialog

1.9. Datensatz-Ansicht

1.9.1. Datensatz-Funktionen

screenshot highlighting the menubar for data-operations

1.9.2. Datensatz-Vorschau

screenshot highlighting the data-view

1.10. Statusleiste

screenshot highlighting the statusbar and the dip-direction and dip indicator